Articles of Association
§ 1 Name/yearThe Association bears the name Bangladesh health care. The Association carry "e.V." as suffix to the name after registration . The Association has its head office in Renningen. The financial year of the Association is the calendar year.
§ 2 Intent and Purpose
Purpose of the Association is to promote health care and deploy the action needed for medical care and provide treatment to the poor people of Bangladesh, those who have no money to get medical help to survive.
Assistance for the implementation of a health insurance system by consulting the Bangladeshi Government and private companies.
§ 3 The purpose of the association should be realized through:
a) Offers medical, nursing and social work assistance in the context of medical consultations in Bengladeshi hospitals, outreach medical aid in the sense of "medical street work," the operation of a mobile clinic, monitoring and individual care in case
of illness (mobile healthcare);
b) Planning, execution and coordination of activities of medical assistance and health care of sick, injured or distressed portion of the population of Bangladesh, in cooperation with other community organizations and Bangladeshi hospitals;
c) Cooperation with health care facilities for medical care for patients in outdoor and indoor treatment;
d) Training and advice of health care professionals;
e) Appropriate measures to help and suggestions for health-conscious life for people with special social difficulties;
f) Public Relations work and advise policy makers and administration with the aim of the betterment of the health situation and the improvement of medical care of sick, injured or distressed people of Bangladesh.
g) The Association may dissuading his outpatient, outpatients and inpatients.
The association is non-partisan and interdenominational.
The association is a non-profit organization the association shall not be primarily aimed to earn profit.
Funds of the Association may only be used for statutory purposes.
Members do not receive dividends and in their capacity as members and no other payments from the association. No person may benefit from expenditures that are the purpose of the Association, or from disproportionately high remuneration.
The exercise of association’s responsibilities according to the statute is voluntary.
Retired or excluded members have no right to the Members' equity or parts of it.
§ 4 Charitable Status
The association pursues exclusively charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code ( §§ 51 et seq. AO). He is a foundation in the meaning of § 58 No. 1 AO, the its resources exclusively to the promotion of the in § 2, paragraph 1 of the Statute used tax-deductible organization.
§ 5 Associations Membership
Membership of the Association is open to every natural or legal person who is willing to promote the aims and objectives of the organization and support.
The Board of Management decide the writing application for membership ; the rejection of an application for membership requires no justification. A rejection of the membership application by the Board of Directors is final.
The membership of the association is extinguished by termination, death, or the exclusion, the deletion from the list of members, go out of the legal capacity in the case of legal persons or dissolution of the association.
The notice of denunciation is to be done in written form to the Executive Board , it is only possible the end of a calendar year in compliance with a four week period allowed.
An exclusion of the member from the association can be made for importent cause by the Board. Importent cause is especially simplistic harmful behavior (eg violation of the Constitution or the interests of the organization) within and outside the association, but also the non-performance of services or contributions in arrears.
The decision to exclude the person concerned is to announce by the Board by registered mail.
Against the exclusion Statement by the Board may by written application within one month of receipt of the declaration, the General Assembly will be called. Unless the organization is excluded by a majority vote of the members present at the upcoming
General Assembly confirmed then, the decision to exclude is final. Prior to the request of the Board to the General Assembly is to give the parties the opportunity to comment.
A cancellation of membership is allowed if the member is despite two written reminders by the Board with the payment of the premium in arrears. The deletion may be decided by the board until the second reminder for dispatch, which has to
contain the reference to the deletion, three months have passed. Against the person concerned shall have the deletion in the previous paragraph standing right of appeal to the General Assembly.
§ 6 Membership fee
Contributions of the members will be charged. Information will be specified in a contribution order.
§ 7 Executive bodies
» Board of Directors
» General assembly
§ 8 Board of Directors
The Management Board consists of the chairman, his deputy, the treasurer, the secretary and up to three assessors. The board members must be members of the association. The Executive Committee on Rules of Procedure.
The term of office is three years. At the expiration of a term of the departing board member remains in office until the new board in office.
The full Board carries out the running business of the association. The chairman of the full board continually represent jointly with another board member.
Duties of the Board are the leadership of the association, prepare a contribution order, execution of club decisions, managing the association 's assets and the convening of the General Assembly. The Board also decides on the admission and
expulsion of members.
Management Board resolutions are passed by a simple majority. Event of a tie vote, the Chairman, in his absence, the voice of the 2nd Chairman.
§ 9 General assembly
The supreme body of the Association is the General Assembly. Chaired by the Chairperson of the Board.
An ordinary general meeting (AGM) will be convened by the Chairman at least annually. Meetings shall be made in writing at least three weeks in advance, stating the agenda by a simple letter.
The General Assembly has a quorum regardless of the number of members present, when it was duly called.
Resolutions of the General Assembly shall require a simple majority vote, with the exception of decisions on amendments and the dissolution of the association, while setting a 2/3-majority of members present at the General Assembly required.
Duties of the General Assembly are particularly
• Election of the Board,
• Receipt of the annual reports and the financial report and actions of the Board,
• Resolution on the contribution regime,
• Resolution on the Rules of Procedure,
• decisions on applications for amendments and dissolution.
Extraordinary general meetings may be convened by the Board, if required by the interests of the association or if the convening of at least 1/3 of all association members are required to state the reason. The calling of an Extraordinary General Meeting at the request from the circle of association members must take place no later than four weeks after receipt of the request to the Board.
The agenda for the annual general meeting must include the following: a) Report of the Board, b) Report of the Treasurer, c) Report of the auditors, d) Discharge of the Board, e) Resolution on any existing applications, f) election, appointment of two auditors for the next financial year.
Applications may be made by all members. On applications, which the Board received in writing not later than one week before the meeting can still be tuned during the General Assembly only with the consent of the Board.
§ 10 Elections
Elections and Voting is secret and in writing, if at least ten voting members request it. Several elections and referendums can be completed in a single ballot.
Selectable are all adult members of the association. Selectable are also absent members, if a declaration of the adoption of a choice is present.
§ 11 Procedural requirements
Decisions of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly shall be laid down in writing and by the Secretary and the chairman to sign.
§ 12 Dissolution
The Association may be dissolved by a decision with the consent of 2/3 of the General Assembly members present.
Upon dissolution of the association, with deprivation of legal capacity or loss of tax privileged purposes the assets go to the established clinics in Bangladesh, which has to be used directly and exclusively for the purposes of tax-exempt under § 2 of this constitution. Decisions on the future use of the property may be executed only after the consent of the tax office. A claim the club members to its assets upon liquidation or termination of the association does not exist.
The above statutes was adopted by the General Assembly.